Complete Your Application Here

What's Been Holding You Back From having professional photos taken in the Past?
When Was the Last Time You Did Something For Yourself?
Do you have any allergies to makeup?
Tell me WHY you you would like to be chosen?
If Pregnant How Far Along Are You Currently?
Choose 3 words that describe you.
If chosen the Studio has a $199 refundable retainer that is given back to you towards your images making your session free. Sessions are typically $599, if chosen your session experience will be free. The Refundable retainer to protect the studio from no shows. It is required on your date of acceptance typically the decision is made on your consult. Images, Packages, Wall Art, Prints ETC are not included with your session They Can Be Purchased If Desired.. A Purchase is not required to participate. Would you like to proceed forward?
Full Name

Submit your application below. We will reach out to you via our studio text line if we think you would be a good candidate for the project . While you wait to hear from us join our ladies only facebook group FTP Bombshell Boudoir to see a studio tour, meet Kim the owner by watching her live videos and see more of her work. Hit submit below to complete your application